National Catholic Reporter: What are some ways parishes can acquire solar panels?

by Jesse Remedios, National Catholic Reporter

But which option is best for our parish?

I don't know. But I do know of some folks who might!

Catholic Energies, a program of the Catholic Climate Covenant, specializes in helping Catholic organizations figure out this kind of thing. Catholic Energies provides project development and management services to organizations with a focus primarily on going solar and improving energy efficiency.

Here's how they put it on their website: "We deliver three key resources that most Catholic organizations lack – time, expertise, and money."

The availability of solar programs varies by city and state, so getting support like this can be super helpful in deciding the best course of action.

In Hampton, Virginia, Catholic Energies helped Immaculate Conception Catholic Church set up a PPA with Red Lion Renewables, which fully financed a $350,000 project that installed 440 solar panels on the church roof. The panels went up in July and will save Immaculate Conception 14% on its monthly electric bill.

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