Laudato Si’ urges us to transition to renewable energy
A reflection after Laudato Si’ Week 2021:
“… Pope Francis writes ‘There is an urgent need to develop policies so that, in the next few years, the emission of carbon dioxide and other highly polluting gases can be drastically reduced, for example, substituting for fossil fuels and developing sources of renewable energy. Worldwide there is minimal access to clean and renewable energy.’ (26)
While local individuals and churches can’t single-handedly change large energy systems, they do have options. Depending on location, the individual or church has options of solar, wind, and other renewable sources of energy. These renewable resources draw from richer and cleaner wells of energy…”
Read the full reflection on the Catholic Climate Covenant’s blog here.
Hypothetical example of the impact from an average-sized project. For reference, Catholic Energies has completed projects ranging from 75-kW to 400-kW for churches. Their biggest project to-date is 2-MW, the largest solar array in the District of Columbia.
(Art by Cari Nunziato.)