National Catholic Reporter: Church's multiyear initiatives on synodality, Laudato Si' and Eucharist intertwine
In a span of several weeks last fall, three large initiatives landed on the doorsteps of U.S. Catholic dioceses, parishes, congregations and organizations.
Beginning in October, Pope Francis opened the synod on synodality, a two-year engagement of the global church focused on listening and encounter. A month later, the Vatican officially launched its Laudato Si' Action Platform, which invites all parts of the church to take up seven-year programs to adopt sustainable and ecologically friendly practices. And just days after that, the U.S. bishops announced their own plans for what they've called a National Eucharistic Revival, a three-year project that will culminate in the summer of 2024.
The three programs make for busy schedules in the coming years for many corners of the U.S. church. But do they have anything to do with each other?
That was a question the Catholic Climate Covenant attempted to explore in a webinar Feb. 10. And it's one its half-dozen panelists answered in the affirmative.
Read more here.